Top 10 Apps for Living in Germany
I will do anything to make life a little easier. Living life abroad can make for some challenging circumstances. Below is a list of free apps that you can download on the AppStore for Apple phones and on GooglePlay for Android smartphones that will hopefully make your life a little easier and a little less stressful while stationed here. Not a day goes by that I don’t use at least one of these apps, and let me tell you, a few of them have saved me from never wanting to step off base again. We all know the key to enjoying your experience while living in Germany is to step off “Little America” and go explore. Let these apps reassure you and give you the confidence you need to make your stay that much more enjoyable.
DB Navigator:
Travel planner. Deutsche Bahn (DB) is Germany’s train system. This was one of the first apps I downloaded after arriving in Germany. If you’re anything like me and grew up with no signs of public transportation in your city besides a bus that you didn’t dare ride, I had no idea how to navigate a train system. This app will make your public transportation life easy as cake! You simply type in your starting destination (or just click “current position” and it’ll find the closest train station to you), then tell it where you want to go. Pick which date and time you want to travel and finally how many tickets you need. Here comes my favorite part about the app: If you click “current position” it will show you how to get to the nearest train station. It gave me the time showing me that the bus comes every 30 minutes so I didn’t have to wait around. It calculated how long the bus ride would take to get to the train station and then which number train I would need to take to get to my destination. Could it be any easier? It’s like having a personal navigator with you.