Four Must See Places in Saarland!
Saarland is one of the 16 federal states in Germany. It shares a border with France and Luxemburg to the West and to the East is Rheinland-Pfalz, home to Ramstein and K-town. The capital of Saarland is Saarbrücken and it makes a great day trip from these military installations. Even though Saarland is one of the smallest German states it is still worth a trip! Here are four destinations you should take a look at in Saarland!
Saarschleife in Orscholz/Mettlac
If you love nature and hiking the Saarschleife (Saar Loop) is a perfect place. At the Saarschleife (Mettlach) you have a 180 m high view over the river from the Cloef. It is quite possibly one of the most beautiful natural sights you can see in Germany.
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